Some Grandfathered Pre-ACA Plans Discontinued 2016

Some grandfathered pre-ACA plans will be discontinued in 2016. Plans that were grandfathered prior to the Affordable Care Act will be forced to make changes to adhere to the Essential Health Benefits established by the government or be cancelled. Grandfathered plans must cover:
- Emergency Care
- Outpatient & Inpatient care
- Mental Health & Substance Abuse Disorder Services
- Maternity
- Prescription Drugs
- Speech-Language Pathology
- Physical & Occupational Therapy
- Lab Tests & Services
- 100% Preventative Services
- Pediatric Services, including Dental & Vision
This is a great opportunity to sell to those whose plans did not meet the new criteria. Policies must show an effective date of January 1st, 2016. Clients also have the option to shop for other plans on and off the marketplace as well as see if they qualify for Medicaid or CHIP.